The MAIN Point of this page, is every minute I am doing anything online (clicking ads, reading email or even playing Solitaire) I am getting paid and the most it can cost me is
$1 a month..
No Financial Risk!
Social Security does not supply me with much money to throw around, so when I started online I determined it had to at least pay it's own way, or it was hands off.
You would have to be sleeping in a cave to not have noticed the meteoric rises in the price of Bitcoin from time to time, but past experience has taught me that what thrills you when it goes up, can bring on SHEAR PANIC if it starts going back down (unless you keep stacking it up free until it goes up again).
That made good sense to me, so I joined a Bitcoin Faucet an online friend showed me and I started clicking it for a few free Satoshi each day. As time went on, I figured out what worked for me and what to stay away from and my balances started growing. Today they have reached as high as 2.6 Million Satoshi and it grows a little more every day.
My strategy here is to keep a balance high enough to pay me Daily Compound Interest hands free and set the timer on my phone for one hour to alert me to collect another free spin which takes me about 10 seconds.
Win Free Bitcoins every hour!

Even More Satoshi FREE!
Most people online use the Chrome Browser, but they are leaving money on the table. The browser I use was an improvement on Chrome with several drawbacks fixed and it is noticably faster. Then as long as you have it open, it collects a trickle of Satoshi free to leave on deposit at 6% Daily Compound Interest every day.

I started seeing some delays when I withdrew my earnings, so I switched to using their free NC Wallet with no fees that pays 6% Daily Compound Interest and now it's less than a day to withdraw and it diversifies my holdings.
It has been growing nicely for me as you can see in these screenshot.
And here is a later one to show my progress.
Still Growing.
How High Will It Go Before You Grab Your Free Share?
Another Bonus
Due to the common practice of spammers collecting email addresses from anyone foolish enough to include them on a page like this, I suggest an alternative. Grab a free membership to Forum Coin where I visit a lot, and you can leave me a Private Message any time and get paid for using it.
You may think it's not worth it to post for less than a penny, but it adds up and it's the relationships you build that bring in the real money. Get a free account and follow me around for a while and you will see. Since you are there, make 10 posts a day (preferably in the Business, Money & Wealth or Webmaster Questions for higher pay).
If you want a page like this (now or later), send me a message (after you click here to SIGN UP for $1 hosting) with your username and password to your hosting account and a link to your profile image and I will set it up for you. Also include your referral links for each of the websites so you get paid. If you prefer to Do It Yourself, Click Here For my Videos
Once we establish contact and determine we have common interests for our mutual benefit, I will be happy to provide easier methods to communicate.